Here's Jamie at two weeks.
Here's how not to hold a baby. Actually, I thought I was doing a good job at the time but I've been told
differently by a number of people who look at this picture. The mittens over her hands were allegedly to
keep her from scratching herself. As it turns out, she hasn't grown up to be a scratcher - but they do a
lot of things differently in the Philippines. This picture was taken within a few days of Christmas.
It never gets very cold in the Philippines.
This was taken after Jamie's christening. The lady holding Jamie was a
good friend of mine. I knew her as Emmy but her real name was Remidios.
This picture was sent to me after I had returned to the states to make my fortune and start petitioning our
government for a couple of visas. I don't know who is holding her. I've asked Jamie but she wont tell me.
Here she is smiling for the camera.
By the time Jamie celebrated her first birthday, the visa paperwork was wending its way through the
bureaucracy and I was a fixture in the military industrial complex, helping to build Trident missiles at
Lockheed Missiles and Space. I would have been content to build space.
Jamie and her mother arrived at SFO on Easter, 1980. At 16 months,
her English wasn't that good but by the time I gave her this stuffed
animal a few months later she was able to pronounce Snuffleupagus.
When kids are little you have to plan ahead when you make clothing purchases. It was a while before Jamie
grew into this jacket but it served its purpose. This is one of my favorite pictures.
Somewhere along the line this print got cut into a cameo shape, and I'm too lazy to try to find the negative.
Here she is cultivating those crucial "talking on the phone" skills.
I must have gotten her this chair in hopes that she'd grow up to be a rocker like her old man...