Jamie on my birthday in 1996. This was when she was going through her Dennis Rodman phase.
I had to sit on her lap just so she'd stay put long enough to take a picture.
Jamie and me rafting at Cache Creek in 1998.
Jamie rafting at Cache Creek in 1999.
Easter 1999: Jamie and me at my old apartment on Gough.
Easter 1999: Irene and Jamie out on the balcony of my old apartment.
Jamie joined Daisy and me for Thanksgiving right after we moved into our flat
in San Francisco. In honor of the occasion she wore her best coveralls...
Here's Jamie with her boyfriend Chris, and Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Chris is the one on the right.
Here's Jamie with Chris again, getting ready to attend the Barrister's Ball.
Apparently, Jamie couldn't find her coveralls...
Here's Jamie receiving her second degree. This one from the McGeorge School of Law.
Under the gown? Coveralls.